Walls go up at new Connecticut Water storage tank in Avon

Walls go up at new Connecticut Water storage tank in Avon
CLINTON, Conn. — May 7, 2024 — Contractors put up the concrete walls recently on a new, 1.3-million-gallon water tank in Avon as part of a $4 million project to improve water service for customers in the area for decades to come.
The original tank exceeded life expectancy after more than 60 years of operation. The new tank construction is scheduled for completion in early fall.
The new water tank marks the first step of a larger project to increase service reliability by updating aging infrastructure. Along with a new water tank, the project includes adding a booster station near the tank in the fall. Next year, water mains in the area will get replaced.
Once complete, the project will provide customers in the area with improved water pressure, water quality and reliability.
The water main replacement portion of the project is funded through the Water Infrastructure and Conservation Adjustment (WICA) on customer bills. Connecticut Water’s goal is to replace about one percent of its more than 1,850 miles of water main every year through the WICA program.