Connecticut Water is committed to customer satisfaction. A process has been established for customers who have questions, complaints, or wish to dispute all or part of their water bill. The process is approved by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) and described below:
Any customer who has a question or complaint or who disputes all or part of a bill should contact the company to speak with a Customer Service representative. A customer with a complaint or question that is not satisfactorily resolved by a Customer Service representative should ask to speak with a Customer Service manager. If the customer remains unsatisfied, he/she may, within thirteen (13) days of the date of the mailing of a termination notice, ask a Company Review Officer to consider the problem. A Company Review Officer may be reached by calling our office. If the dispute remains unresolved after receipt of the written decision of the Company Review Officer, the customer may request a further investigation and hearing by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.
The Company is also committed to providing water service to residential customers during a serious illness.
If you or someone presently and normally living in your home is SERIOUSLY ILL, water service will not be shut off at your residence during such illness if the company is given certification by your doctor or your doctor’s office within thirteen (13) days of the date of mailing of the termination notice. Written certification must be sent from your doctor within seven (7) days of a phone call, and it must contain the name and address of the patient, whether the condition is a serious illness or a life threatening situation, the length of the serious or life threatening situation, and the certifying physician’s office address and telephone number. The company has the right to contest before the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority the validity of any SERIOUS ILLNESS certificate it receives.
If there is a SERIOUS ILLNESS in your home, please have your physician call us immediately. You will be required to make an equitable arrangement to pay your past due bills and pay on a current basis all future bills while the illness continues.